In my last post I shared about replacing the ball joints and outer wheel bearings for the Isuzu MU Wziard. However, I forgot to give a run down on the costs. In this post, I share how much it cost me to get the job done - especially the parts. The main cost associated with this was the parts. I sourced all the parts from Pacific Engineering & Repairs Ltd; they have lowest prices in town (IMO) - and no they are not sponsoring this post. So here is a run down. The ball joints cost the most at K352.00 (US$80) for bother right and left. Then the bearings came at K77 (US$18) for both sides, and I also had to get some grease at K27.50 (US$7). I also had to spend around K50 (US$12) for food, drinks etc so in total I spent around K506.50 (US$117). Mind you, this is just an estimate because labor basically free. Anyways, I just thought I'd share that with you. Lukim yu!